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MU AUN-QA Assessment for PharmD Program

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Since 25 November 2020  
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, from 08.30 a.m. - 04.30 p.m., the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University carried out the “Mahidol University AUN-QA Programme Assessment (MU AUN-QA Assessment)” for its undergraduate program, namely Pharm.D. Program. In this regard, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, MUPY’s Dean, along with Assoc. Prof. Preecha Montakantikul, Deputy Dean for Education, and faculty members attended the opening session of the assessment. They also welcomed two MU AUN-QA assessors led by Assoc. Prof. Chavalit Wongse-ek and Assist. Prof. Dr. Kawin Sipiyaruk. This event was organized at the Sukondh Poonpat Room and also was broadcasted via Cisco Webex Meetings. The MU AUN-QA took two days of visiting during November 25-26, 2020. The assessment procedures included 1) an interviewing the administrative board, program chairs, academic staff, supporting staff, alumni, employers, and current students, and 2) an inspection of the educational facilities. Then, the presentation of the findings of the program assessment will be delivered to the faculty members on the next day. The purposes of the MU AUN-QA assessment were to preliminarily prepare all of the Mahidol University educational programs for the AUN-QA assessment at the international level. More importantly, the findings of this assessment can be adapted by the academic program for further improvement.

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