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Pharmacy Review and Update Series 2021: Pharmacotherapy of the Eye

On August 23-25, 2021, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University organized an online conference entitled ’Pharmacy Review and Update Series 2021: Pharmacotherapy of the Eye’ via the Cisco Webex Event platform. In this regard, Assoc. Prof. Surak...


Virtual Visit at the Departments responding to the EdPEx Criteria

On August 17, 2021, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., MUPY’s Quality Development Unit hosted an online meeting to virtually visit the Department of Pharmacognosy as a part of the 2021 Department Visit Corresponding to the EdPEx Criteria. It was a ...


Recording for the Mahidol Channel’s Research Impact Program

On August 16, 2021, from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pramote Tragulpiankit, chairman of the Pharmacy Department, took part in an interview and filming for Mahidol Channel’s online show, called the ’Research Impact’ program. ’Ph...


MUPY hosted the MU’s Committee Meeting

On August 11, 2021, from 09.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy hosted the MU’s Committee Meeting organized at Mahidol University’s Salaya Campus. On this occasion, MUPY’s Dean, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, joi...


2021 ‘Welcome Home, Rub Nong’ Activity for MUPY’s Sophomores

On Wednesday, August 11, 2021, from 12.30 p.m. to 04.00 p.m., MUPY’s Division of Student Affairs hosted the 2021 Welcome Home, Rub Nong Activity for MUPY’s Sophomores via the Cisco Webex Meetings platform. This virtual event was presided over by ...


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