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MUPY partners with Thailand Research Fund for Medicinal Plant research.

MUPY and Thailand Research Fund are mutually committed to provide funding for medicinal plant research with the aims to increase value of Thai traditional plants. The core activity of the agreement is the establishment of a research center here at MU...


MUPY student association reached out to help rural community.

MUPY student association provided support for the development of rural area during 12-18 April 2009. This project has been an annual event aiming to provide students with an opportunity to serve the community and understand the hardship of Thai peopl...


MUPY provides assistance to an underserved community area.

MUPY students visited and provided assistance to an underserved community area at the Theekarn Banghong in the province of Lumpoon. This is a part of regular activities of MUPY aiming at improving standard of living and health promotion for the under...


MUPY welcomed Prof. Derendorf from the University of Florida

MUPY warmly welcomed Prof. Hartmut Derendorf, Chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Florida in Gainesville. Prof. Derendorf was at MUPY upon invitation from Assoc. Prof. Kobtham Satirakul. Prof. Derendorf will provide a research ...


MUPY Master students won research awards.

Ms. Pattamaporn Lomarat and Ms. Panida Panthong, two of MUPY Master students (Pharmacognosy) won research awards during the 3rd Botanical Conference of Thailand which was held during 25-27 March 2009. The titles of their research are Antisporulation ...


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