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MUPY staffs received research grant from NRCT-JSPS

Three of MUPY young staffs including Dr. Piyanuch Rojsanga (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Dr. Krit Thirapanmethee (Microbiology) and Dr. Surachai Ngamratanapaiboon (Biochemistry) received research grants from the National Research Council of Thailand - ...


MUPY congratulates Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe, the 2009 Recipient for the Honorary Doctoral Degree in Pharmacy

MUPY staffs joined hands in the celebration of the auspicious event, to formally acknowledge and express our sincere gratitude toward Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe, one of the greatest contributors to the advancement of our institution in the past two decad...


MUPY celebrated the graduation of Rx36.

MUPY celebrated the graduation of the thirty sixth class of pharmacy students on July 3. This is an event where newly graduates come together to cherish their hardwork through 5 year of pharmacy curriculum at Mahidol. Graduates and faculty members to...


MUPY held a public education even on safe and appropriate use of antibiotics

MUPY joined hand with the MUPY Foundation in holding a public education event on Safe and Effective Use of Antibiotics. This event aimed to tackle the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the community which may play an important role in the developme...


MUPY held a conference on Herbal Medicine in the National Essential Drug Lists Evidence Based Review

MUPY held a conference on herbal medicine at Room 302 Thepparat Building during 25-26 June 2009. This conference aims to disseminate up to date information of herbal medicines that have been included in the National Essential Drug List of Thailand. T...


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