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Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan received 2009 International Alumnus Award from University of Queensland

Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan, a quality researcher and educator of the Department of Pharmacognosy, received a prestigious 2009 International Alumnus of the Year Vice Chancellor\'s Commendation from the University of Queensland, Australia. Dr. Wan...


MUPY admin team participates a New Year Celebration event.

MUPY administrative team led by Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang participates in a New Year Celebration event held by Mahidol University on 4 January 2010 from 7.00 - 7.30 AM at Lan Chao Fa, Salaya Campus. The major activity in the event is budhist\'s bo...


New Year Party for MUPY

MUPY held a New Year Party for all its staff on 29 December 2010. The event started off in the morning with boon-making through offering living necessity to monks. Subsequently, a party began around 11.00 first with award presentations to MUPY staff ...


Student Affairs Unit held activities to promote Mahidol core value among pharmacy students.

The Office of Student Affairs of MUPY under the leadership of Deputy Dean Likasith Wongsorasak, held activities to promote Mahidol core value among pharmacy students. The MUPY Pharmacy Student Association and faculty members serving as a committee on...


MUPY welcome MU Internal Surveyors.

As a part of measures to promote continuous quality improvement within Mahidol University, a group of internal surveyors led by Assoc. Prof. Yaowalark Sukthana visits and will perform an internal survey on MUPY during 22-23 December 2009. For this an...


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