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3 Ph.D.-Students from the faculty of Pharmacy win The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Award 2011

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Since 22 April 2011  
Congratulations to 3 Ph.D.-Students in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, winner of The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) Award in RGJ-PhD Congress XII, April 1-3, 2011. Miss Jiraporn Leanpolchareanchai, a PhD-student at the Department of Pharmacy, under the supervision of Associate Professor Pimolpan Pithayanukul received the Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation, entitled “Anti-snake venoms potential of Thai mango seed kernel extract and the development of microemulsion formulations”. Miss Thararat Nualsanit, a PhD-student at the Department of Pharmacy, under the supervision of Associate Professor Pleumchitt Rojanapanthu received the Award for Outstanding Oral Presentation, entitled “Damnacanthal, a Noni component, exhibits anti-tumorigenic activity in human colorectal cancer cells”. The last one, Mr. Thanu Thongnopkoon, a PhD-student at the Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy, under the supervision of Associate Professor Satit Puttipipatkhachorn received the Award for Outstanding Oral Presentation, entitled “Improved Dissolution of Glibenclamide by Nanozitation from Multicomponent Solid Dipersion systems”

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