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MUPY participated in the 6th QS Apple Meeting in Singapore

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Since 17 November 2010  
MUPY administrative staff including Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Assoc. Prof. Sompop Prathanturarug, Assoc. Prof. Varaporn Junyaprasert, Assoc. Prof. Naeti Suksomboon and Assist. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan attended the 6th QS Apple meeting which was held at SUNTEC Exhibition Center in Singapore during 17-19 November 2010. In addition, administrative staff also visited the Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singapore (NUS) on 16 November 2010 to share experience and idea on the management of pharmacy education and research. The 6th QS Apple Meeting where Mahidol University is the co-host was a resounding success with over 750 attendants from 45 countries around the world. Mahidol University also received two QS Apple Creative Awards in the category of Most Creative Corporate Institution Video and Idol Award.

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