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2020 Online Teaching Award

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Since 06 August 2021  
We would like to congratulate our faculty members as they have received the ’2020 Online Teaching Award’ conferred by Mahidol University as follows. 1. Learning Innovation for Online Course Awards: Online Instruction Techniques Course: PYDI 313 Pharmaceutics Laboratory III Course Instructors: 1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Anchalee Jintapattanakit 2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Amaraporn Wongrakpanich 3. Prof. Dr. Varaporn Junyaprasert 4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Veerawat Teeranachaideekul 5. Dr. Boontida Morakul 2. Honorary Awards for Online Engagement and Motivation Techniques, Innovations and Learning Models Course: PYCZ 403 Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics III Course Instructor: Lecturer Sayamon Sukkha Course: PYBE 111 Pharmaceutical Botany Laboratory Course Instructor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Bhanubong Bongcheewin ------------------------ Related news: ข่าวที่เกี่ยวข้อง

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