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MUPY determined AUN-QA Program-level Assessment

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Since 04 February 2020  
On February 4, 2020, two of MUPY graduate programs, Master of Science in Pharmacy Program in Clinical Pharmacy and Master of Science Program in Social, Economic, and Administrative Pharmacy, were internationally assessed by the AUN-QA assessment for the assurance of academic standards. Regarding this, the opening ceremony of the assessment visit led by Prof. Dr. Suzeini Binti Abd Halim, AUN-QA Council Member, was firstly held at Mahidol University, Salaya Campus. The AUN-QA assessor team received a warm welcoming remark delivered by Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, Acting President of Mahidol University, and the university executives also attended the ceremony. Also joined the opening session was MUPY executives including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, MUPY Dean, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Wichit Nosoongnoen, Deputy Dean for Education. Then, the assessment visit took place for two days at MUPY from February 4-5, 2020, in which a team of three assessors from the ASEAN region looked at the aforementioned MUPY’s graduate programs and validated the claims in the Self-Assessment Reports vis-a-vis observed practices and facilities, existing relevant documents, and interviews with the program committees, faculty members, supporting staff, alumni, and stakeholders.

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