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MUPY’s faculty members visited Chiba University, Japan

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Since 04 September 2017  
On September 4th, 2017, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pongtip Sithisarn and Asst. Prof. Dr. Piyanuch Rojsanga officially visited Graduate School and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, Japan. The purpose of this visit was to supervise Ms. Punjaporn Sunthudlakhar, PhD student in Phytopharmaceutical Sciences Program, who conducted her research under a supervision of Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Toida at Chiba University. On this occasion, the faculty members gave special lectures entitled ’Adaptogenic-related activity and phenolic content of selected ginseng-liked herbs in Thailand’ and ’Ameliorative effects of Thunbergia laurifolia on learning and memory deficits in olfactory bulbectomized mice’ to Chiba lecturers and students.

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