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Since 30 January 2015
Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Dean, Assoc. Prof. Usa Chaikledkaew, Deputy Dean for International Relations, Assoc. Prof. Naeti Suksomboon, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, Assoc.Prof. Satit Puttipipatkhachorn, Program Director for Doctor of Philosophy Program in Pharmaceutics, Assist. Prof. Nongluck Ruangwises, Program Director for Doctor of Philosophy Program in Phytopharmaceutical Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Primchanien Moongkarndi, Assoc. Prof. Noppamas Soonthornchareonnon, and Dr. Waree Limwikrant have attended the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony with Prof. Hiromitsu Takayama, Dean of Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University. The objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding are to initiate the doctoral double degree program in Pharmaceutics between Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University and Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, further promote the reciprocal exchange of faculty, staff and students, engage in joint research projects, foster the exchange of academic publications and information and promote other academic activities in the future. In this occasion, Prof. Tomoko Yamamoto gave a special lecture in the topic of ’Recent Achievements of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics’, and Prof. Toshihiko Toida gave a special lecture in the topic of ’Biological effects of medicinal mushrooms’ to faculty members and graduate students.
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