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Since 15 April 2014
Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Dean, Assoc. Prof. Usa Chaikledkaew, Deputy Dean for International Relations, Assoc. Prof. Pramote Tragulpiankit, and Dr. Jiraphun Jittikoon, faculty members, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University were invited to participate and give lectures at the 3rd Meeting of South East Asian Pharmacogenomics Research Network (SEAPharm) Symposium for Genetic and Genome-Guided Personalized Medicine in Asia at the Universitas Yarsi, Jakarta, Indonesia during April 15-16, 2014. In addition, they had a focus group meeting with researchers in ASEAN region in order to discuss, present the updates, follow up the progress of pharmacogenomics research as well as develop the pharmacogenomics research network and collaboration in the future. In this occasion, Dr. Jiraphun Jittikoon and Assoc. Prof. Usa Chaikledkaew were invited to give special lectures related to the importance of pharmacogenomics research in Asian population and its application in order to be used as the information to develop healthcare system in the Asian countries.
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