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MUPY staff received multiple awards from Mahidol University

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Since 02 March 2011  
On 2 March 2011, the success of MUPY staffs were recognized in the annual Mahidol Celebration Day. For this year, Assist. Prof. Preecha Monthakantikul, from the Department of Pharmacy, received the ’Teacher of the Year Award’ for his dedication in teaching and academic excellence. Mrs. Sunee Nuichan, the Head Librarian of MUPY also received ’Distinguished Employee Award’ based on her dedication and honorable work ethics. In addition, Assist. Prof. Boontiem Kongsaktrakoon, the Assistant Dean for Information System Development, received a 2nd runner-up award for MUPY official website. This is a result of an official website competition held by Mahidol University to promote international visibility of the university. The award category is the amount of rich files on the website.

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