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MUPY staffs received national and international awards.

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Since 19 November 2009  
Two of MUPY faculty members received national and international recognition for their work and dedication. Assoc. Prof. Leena Suntornsuk was among the top-three finalists in the Young Women Researcher Award (medicine category) and received the 1st runner up award. The Young Women Researcher Award aims to acknowledge and strengthen women representation and the technological leadership in particularly the efforts and contributions in achieving Research Excellence. The award ceremony was held at the TWAS-TWOWS-SCOPUS Regional Young Women Scientist Symposium, 8-10 November 2009 at the National Science Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prof. Sompol Prakongpan, a Professor of Pharmaceutics, received a distinguished and prestigious Outstanding Pharmacist award in the area of pharmacy education and research and development from the Coalition of Pharmacy Profession of Thailand. The ceremony will be held on 27 November 2009 at the fifth Thailand Pharmacy Congress meeting at BITEC. Congratulations to both of them.

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