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MUPY congratulates Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe, the 2009 Recipient for the Honorary Doctoral Degree in Pharmacy

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Since 03 July 2009  
MUPY staffs joined hands in the celebration of the auspicious event, to formally acknowledge and express our sincere gratitude toward Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe, one of the greatest contributors to the advancement of our institution in the past two decades. Prof. Watanabe has generously taken so many faculty members and students alike under his wings with great care and passion. He has been tirelessly providing his assistance to MUPY for more than 20 years in a variety of activities across Thailand and Japan. To us, he is a great mentor, a brilliant researcher, a talented supervisor, and the last but not least, a close friend. To acknowledge and express our sincere gratitude toward his selfless contribution, the Faculty of Pharmacy Administrative Committee unanimously agreed to submit Prof. Watanabe’s name to the Mahidol University Senate Committee for the endowment of an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Pharmacy, in which, the Committee has kindly and officially approved this submission on March 18, 2009. MUPY held a celebration party on 3 July 2009 at the Ratcharat Building (Room 606), followed by a grand dinner party at the Siam City Hotel. Mrs. Shigeko Watanabe, Prof. Watanabe’s wife also joined this event. Prof. Watanabe received his Honorary Doctoral Degree on July 6, 2009. Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn presided in that event, in which we all are greatly honored by her presence. Thank you Prof. Hiroshi Watanabe!!

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