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MUPY hosted the ASEAN-US Dean/Representatives Meeting

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Since 11 June 2024  

On June 11, 2024, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University hosted the ASEAN-US Dean/Representatives Meeting as the Pre-conference Session of the 4th ASEAN PharmNET 2024 Conference in conjunction with the 2024 US-Thai Pharmacy Education Consortium Meeting: 30th Anniversary Commemoration. 

Having been presided over by Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, the Dean, at Room 606, Rajaratana Building, the meeting was attended by the international delegates from several institutions including 1) 17 Deans/representatives of the ASEAN cohost universities, 2) 11 Deans/representatives of the pharmacy schools under the US-Thai Pharmacy Consortium, and 3) 19 Deans/representatives of Thailand’s pharmacy schools under the Pharmacy Education Consortium of Thailand (PECT). 

The meeting was determined to provide a unique platform for participants to meet and familiarize themselves with their counterparts from different regions. This initial interaction was designed to lay the foundation for strong, enduring professional relationships. By connecting the top minds in pharmacy education from diverse geographical areas, the meeting also aimed to create a robust network that would facilitate ongoing international collaboration. This network was envisioned to support joint academic and research initiatives, student and faculty exchange programs, and the sharing of best practices in pharmacy education and practice. Furthermore, this historic gathering marked a significant step forward in fostering international collaboration between ASEAN and the U.S., and advancing pharmaceutical education and research.

Apart from the ASEAN-US Dean/Representatives Meeting, the Faculty of Pharmacy also arranged the ASEAN Student Network Forum Meeting which provided a platform for pharmacy students from ASEAN countries and the U.S. to share diverse insights and exchange best practices concerning their academic and student activities, extra-curriculum activities, and campus life throughout a 15-minute presentation of the student representatives of each university. There were 15 student representatives from ASEAN and 11 pharmacy students from the U.S. join the meeting. The forum also served as a crucial networking event for pharmacy students, offering them the opportunity to build relationships with their peers from different countries. By bringing together students from diverse backgrounds, the forum also promoted cultural exchange and mutual understanding among the future leaders of pharmacy in the region. This cultural aspect enriches the students' academic life and strengthens regional solidarity, preparing students to work effectively in a multicultural environment and contribute to the healthcare challenges and innovation.

Regarding the 4th ASEAN PharmNET 2024 Conference in conjunction with the 2024 US- Thai Pharmacy Education Consortium Meeting: 30th Anniversary Commemoration, it was scheduled for June 12-14, 2024, at Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai in Bangkok, Thailand. The Conference would be hosting under the main theme: "Global Collaboration in Pharmacy Education, Practice & Research: Bridging Borders for Health Innovation", and it wouy be organizing by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, in collaboration with the Pharmacy Education Consortium of Thailand (PECT).

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