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MUPY hosted a Special Lecture entitled “The Versatility of Bruker mass spectrometry platform: New frontier for multi-Omics and imaging mass spectrometry”

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Since 24 May 2023  

On May 24, from 01.00 PM – 03.00 PM the Department of Pharmacy arranged a public lecture entitled “The Versatility of Bruker mass spectrometry platform: New frontier for multi-Omics and imaging mass spectrometry”. The lecture was delivered by the invited speaker, namely Dr. Wen Dong Looi, Gaelin (Senior Application Scientist Specialized in Bioanalysis and Mass Spectrometry, Bruker Daltonics). Having been held at Room 404, Rajaratana Building, this activity was presided over by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korbtham Sathirakul, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Jiraporn Leanpolchareanchai. In this regards, this special lecture also attened by faculty members, researchers, and graduate students both on-site and via Cisco Webex Meeting. This activity aimed to discuss in drug development research and also served in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics studies.

Futhermore, This academic seminar also corresponded SDG Goals including the 10th: Reduce inquality within and among countries, and Goal 17th: Partnership for the Goals to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

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