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Meeting with AIHD and Japanese Researchers

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Since 02 May 2022  
On May 2nd, 2022, from 02.00 p.m. - 04.00 p.m., MUPY’s executives led by the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, together with the Deputy Dean for International and Public Relations, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkaew, hosted a meeting for the delegates from Mahidol University’s ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD) led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Bang-on Thepthien and Asst. Prof. Dr. Seo Ah Hong. Having been arranged at Room 606, AIHD faculty members brought five Japanese scholars and researchers from Ryukoku University to visit MUPY and meet MUPY’s faculty member to discuss and learn about a current state of drug policy and changing majijuana policy in Thailand, legalization of cannabis, policies on cannabis research, and challenges and barriers in conducting cannabis research for academia.

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