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MUPY volunteered to join the Big Cleaning of Si Ayutthaya Road

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Since 27 January 2021  
On Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at 9.00 a.m., MUPY’s staff led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Montree Jaturanpinyo, Deputy Dean for General Administration, along with supporting staff, volunteered to join the Big Cleaning of Si Ayutthaya Road which organized by Ratchathewi District Office and Sri Ayutthaya Road Goes Green network. The opening ceremony was held at the Sukosol Bangkok Hotel. In this regard, Ms. Taweeporn Chotinuchit, Director of Ratchathewi District gave the warm opening speech. The purpose of the Big Cleaning Activity was to reduce the PM 2.5 and Corona Virus (COVID-19) by having the organizations located on Si Ayutthaya Road participate in this Big Cleaning activity together.

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