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MUPY welcomed Japanese Delegates from Nihon Pharmaceutical University, Japan

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Since 25 April 2019  
On Thursday 25th April 2019, at Clin.Prof.Udom Kachintorn, M.D. Conference Room, MUPY’s executives led by Assoc.Prof.Dr.Suvatna Chulavatnatol, MUPY’s Dean, together with MUPY’s executives provided a warm welcome for the delegation from Nihon Pharmaceutical University, Japan. They visited MUPY to establish an academic collaboration between two institutions in terms of academic exchange program, international internship, and research. After that, they visited MUPY facilities including Office of Health Technology Assessment Graduate Program, Dermocosmetic Testing Center (MUPY-DTC), a new learning space of MUPY library, and MUPY Central Research Unit.

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