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MUPY faculty members attended ’The 4th Joint Symposium on Basic and Applied Studies of Plant Natural Products for Agriculture and Human Health’

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Since 08 November 2018  
On November 8, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mullika Chomnawang, Deputy Dean for Research & International Relations, together with Assist. Prof. Dr. Krit Thirapanmethee and Dr. Somnuk Bunsupa visited Kagoshima University as representatives of Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy to attend ’The 4th Joint Symposium by Six Universities in Japan and Thailand’ which was under the theme ’Basic and Applied Studies of Plant Natural Products for Agriculture and Human Health’. This symposium was hosted by Kagoshima University, Japan, in collaboration with other five Thai and Japanese co-host universities. This was the 4th joint symposium arranged consecutively every year since 2015 which Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy was the first host. With this regard, Assist. Prof. Dr. Krit Thirapanmethee had a chance to give a lecture entitled ’Immunomodulatory Effects of a Variety of Mushroom Extracts’, and Dr. Somnuk Bunsupa delivered a lecture entitled ’Phytochemical Profiling and Cytotoxic Activity Screening of Annona muricata L. Leaf and Callus Extracts’.

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