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MUPY’s Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations participated in Thank You Party: Mahidol – Norway Scholarships

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Since 16 February 2018  
On February 16, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mullika Chomnawang, MUPY’s Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations, joined the “Thank You Party: Mahidol – Norway Scholarships” organized by Mahidol University’s International Relations Division in order to welcome Mr. Vegard Holmelid, Minister Counsellor of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok along with Ms. Lise Nordgaard, Minister Counsellor of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Yangon. The purpose of this special event was to show an appreciation to those who were greatly contribute to the projects from the beginning until present. The event was also aimed to update the academic status of all the scholarships grantees and created a great opportunity for the representatives from the Royal Norwegian Embassies to meet and greet with all students under the projects. With this regard, Ms. Zarni Myint, MUPY’s Myanmar student who has received the scholarship, joined this party as well.

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