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MUPY gave appreciation to DPST students who won world scientific awards

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Since 26 May 2011  
MUPY staffs leading by Assoc Prof. Noppamas Soonthornchareonnon , Assoc Prof. Chanpen Wiwat and Prof. Wongsatit Chuakul, who were the consultant of DPST student, gave the big appreciation to Mr. Yossapol Harnwanichvej, A student in DPST program. He won the golden medal award in the project entitled Anti-Oxidative Activity from Local Plants in 18th International Conference of Young Scientists - ICYS held in Mosco, Russia during 24-29 April 2011. This conference is objected to open the scienctific world to the young generation scienctists who excellent in Science and Mathemetics as well as building presention and discussion skills. There were 16 countries participated in this conference. Congratulation to 5 Thai students who won award in this international competition.

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