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Dr. Yamazaki gave a special lecture entitiled “RNAi silencing and pathway mining of camptothecin biosynthesis in Ophiorrhiza pumila”

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Since 04 May 2010  
Associate Professor Dr. Mami Yamazaki, an expert in molecular biology of medicinal plants, from the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, Japan visited MUPY. Dr. Yamazaki gave a special lecture entitiled “RNAi silencing and pathway mining of camptothecin biosynthesis in Ophiorrhiza pumila” on 4 May 2010 at Room 409 from 13.30 -15.00. In addition, Dr. Yamazaki also served as a thesis examination committee for Ms. Sirintara Korsangrueng, a Doctoral student from the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany. Assoc. Prof. Sompop Prathanturarug serves as the contact point for this collaboration.

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