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Prof. Harald Greger from University of Vienna visited MUPY.

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Since 29 March 2010  
Prof. Harald Greger, a world expert on medicinal plants and biology from the Chemodiversity Research Group, Department of Systematic and Evoluationary Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna visited MUPY. This visit was a result of Assoc. Prof. Wandee Gritsanapan\’s initiative. For this visit, Prof. Greger gave a lecture on Comparative Phytochemistry of Stemona species-with the eyes of a biologist on Monday 29 March 2010 at Room 701, Ratcharat building. In addition, Prof. Greger also served as the Co-advisor for thesis examination of Mr. Sumet Kongkiatpaibul, a Doctoral student from the Department of Pharmacognosy on this visit.

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