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MUPY partners with Ministry of Commerce to help Herbal Medicine Products export.

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Since 29 March 2010  
MUPY in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, help local manufacturers of herbal medicine products to improve quality of their products to meet international standards. This initiative is one of the attempts to strengthen competitiveness of Thai local manufacturers after the Asean Free Trade Agreement came into effect since Janurary 2010. This mega project consists of 3 parts. First, is to develop a 5-year strategic plan for local manufacturers to use as a guidance for development. Second strategy is to develop standard formulations of herbal medicine products listed in the national essential drug lists and other necessary standard of operations throughout the manufacturing process. This is followed by a series of training to transfer technology and knowledge to local manufacturers to improve their production standards to meet international standards. Third strategy is to provide training on how to effectively and safely use herbal medicine products to related public health professionals. MUPY in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce held a press conference to outline the achievements of this project to the public. The press conference is held on 29 March 2010 at Room 606 Ratcharat Building and is very well-attended by more than 10 national medias and is aired almost immediately on national television.

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