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MUPY hosted the 4th ASEAN PharmNET 2024 Conference in conjunction with the 2024 US-Thai Pharmacy Education Consortium Meeting

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Since 12 June 2024  

On June 12, 2024, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University hosted the 4th International Conference on Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN (The 4th ASEAN PharmNET 2024 Conference) in conjunction with the 2024 US-Thai Pharmacy Education Consortium Meeting: 30th Anniversary Commemoration. The conference was cohosted by three academic networks including 1) the Pharmacy Education Consortium of Thailand (PECT), 2) the Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN (ASEAN PharmNET), and 3) the US-Thai Pharmacy Consortium. 

Having physically been arranged during June 12-14, 2024, at Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai in Bangkok, Thailand, The conference was held under the main there: "Global Collaboration in Pharmacy Education, Practice & Research: Bridging Borders for Health Innovation". The conference’s opening ceremony was presided over by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Acting Director of Mahidol University’s ASEAN Institute for Health Development, and the founder of the ASEAN PharmNET, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, and Prof. Michael Katz, Chairman of the US-Thai Pharmacy Consortium. Also joined the opening included Prof. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono, the President Elect, Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) who also delivered the opening remarks.

The scientific program of this conference consisted of the Plenary Sessions, Concurrent Sessions, Oral and Poster Presentations in eight areas of research including 1. Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2. Clinical Pharmacy and Personalized Medicine, 3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4. Pharmaceutical Education and Practice, 5. Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Delivery, 6. Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Physiology, 7. Phytopharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, and 8. Social and Administrative Pharmacy. In addition, this international conference featured a diverse range of scholarly activities, including a total of 69 oral presentations and 247 poster presentations. These presentations covered a broad spectrum of topics, showcasing cutting-edge research and health-related innovative solutions in various fields. While each oral presentation session included a Q&A segment, facilitating a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights, the poster sessions also provided a platform for emerging researchers and students to showcase their work and network with experts in their respective fields.

The main goals of this conference included 1) providing a global forum for the dissemination of contemporary concepts, cutting-edge research discoveries, and showcasing application of teaching and learning approaches in the fields of pharmacy education, professional practices, recent research in all disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences as well as related medical and health sciences, 2) initiating the establishment of a new, robust, and globally inclusive academic network and collaboration platform by bringing together scholars, researchers, and professionals from esteemed pharmacy schools of the US and ASEAN countries to lay the foundation for sustained collaboration on a global scale, and 3) celebrating the sustainable development of the 30th Anniversary of the US-Thai Pharmacy Education Consortium and pertinent global collaboration. Overall, the conference was a hub of knowledge exchange and professional development, fostering a collaborative environment for advancing research and innovation globally.

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