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On-site Active Recruitment 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia

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Since 2 March 2024  

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, Assist. Prof. Dr. Brompoj Prutthiwanasan, the Deputy Dean for Graduate Studies, along with Assist. Prof. Dr. Krisada Sakchaisri, the Program Director in Biopharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program, joined the Active Recruitment and On-site Interview 2024 arranged by Mahidol University's Faculty of Graduate Studies in collaboration with International Relations Division. This on-site event was held at Hotel Ciputra Jakarta in Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 12 faculties of Mahidol University participated in the event which was organized for prospective Indonesian students who were interested in pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Mahidol University. During the event, Indonesian applicants had the opportunity to meet with faculty members and participate in direct interviews. Furthermore, they had a chance to gain more details in the interested educational programs of Mahidol University.

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