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2023 World’s Top 2% Most-cited Scientists

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Since 4 October 2023  

Congratulations to our 2 faculty members who have been globally ranked among the ’2023 World’s Top 2% Most-cited Scientists’ listed in the latest update released by Stanford University.

The category of "Career-long Citation Impact"
Prof. Dr. Leena Suntornsuk
Area: Analytic Chemistry

The category of "Citation Impact during the single calendar year 2022"
Prof. Dr. Varaporn Junyaprasert
Area: Pharmacology & Pharmacy

The Stanford ranking is based on the bibliometric information (citation metrics) contained in the Scopus database which includes more than 200,000 scientists. The database provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator.

Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023, October 4). October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2023, from DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6

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