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MUPY faculty member accepted to be a Visiting Professor in Indonesia

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Since 15 June 2023  

During June 15-28, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arthorn Riewpaiboon, a faculty member in the Division of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, the Department of Pharmacy, accepted an official invitation to be a "Visiting Professor" for academic services and visiting at five Indonesian universities including 1) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), 2) Universitas Megarezky (UNIMERZ), 3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), 4) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), and 5) Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP).

Regarding this, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arthorn Riewpaiboon delivered a series of academic lectures to faculty members, undergraduate students, and graduate students of those institutes. He also had an opportunity to initiate and discuss future academic and research collaborations as well as a publication development with those Indonesian universities. His lectures covered the followings.

  • Why master’s degree in Pharmacy is important?
  • Health Economics for Hospital Management in Pharmacy Practice
  • Insight in good presentation in English containing social and administrative topics
  • Developing material for community education
  • Benchmarking how to develop and improve research center based on experience of SEAP-MUPY
  • Social and Administrative Pharmacy in Pharmacy Practice
  • Strategy to research publication at the international journals indexed by Scopus and WoS
  • Statistical method for pharmacoeconomic study
  • Discussion to evaluate existing curriculum to match with the double degree program
  • The importance of Pharmacoeconomics for the health system
  • Writing and publishing a systematic review in health research
  • Proposal Development and Publishing Thesis Research
  • Social and administrative Pharmacy education at faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University
  • Examination Committee of 5 thesis proposals

In addition, this activity supported the Faculty’s Missions in terms of serving as the portal for professional services that encompasses drugs, herbal medicine, cosmetics, and dietary supplement to support the sustainable development of the nation. It also responded to the SDG’s Goal 4th: Reduce inequality within and among countries, Goal 10th: Reduce inequality within and among countries, and Goal 17th: Partnership for the Goals to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

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