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Since 20 March 2008
RGJ Seminar Series LIX : Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery was held in at Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. This seminar was organized by Faculty of Pharmacy and The Royal Golden Jubilee PhD program. The coordinator of this seminar was Assoc. Prof. Varaporn Junyaprosert.
Invitation speakers are:
1. “Lipid nanoparticles for oral and parenteral drug delivery” by
Prof. Dr. Rainer H. M?ller, Free University of Berlin, Germany
2. “Nanoparticles for the formulation of poorly soluble actives” by
Dr. Cornelia M. Keck, Free University of Berlin, Germany
3. “Lipid nanoparticles for dermal delivery: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics” by Assist. Prof. Eliana B. Souto, Fernando Pessoa University, Portugal
4. “Microemulsions for transdermal drug delivery” by
Assist. Prof. Prapaporn Boonme, Prince of Songkla University.
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