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MUPY Student Association organized the Pharmaoke Singing Contest 2022

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Since 30 March 2022  
On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, from 1.00 pm. - 4:00 pm. MUPY Student Association organized the Pharmaoke Singing Contest 2022, in which Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, the Dean, gave a warm welcoming speech before singing a song for all the audience. Assoc. Prof. Piyanuch Rojsanga and Dr. Methee Sriprapun, who also sang a song and served as judges along with Assist. Prof. Sawanya Buranaphalin and Dr. Yingrak boondam Chuayboon. There were 21 teams of MUPY students who wanted to participate in the competition. The competition was held in Room 302 in the Thepparat Building and was also broadcasted via Facebook Live on the MUPY Student Association page. Assist. Prof. Dr. Brompoj Prutthiwanasan was the advisor of the ’Pharmaoke Singing Contest 2022’ project, which aimed to help all MUPY members build a good relationship and confidence, as well as reduce the stress of studying and teaching.

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