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The 2nd Round of Student Development by Transformative Learning Approach for MUPY’s Freshmen

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Since 01 May 2021  
On Saturday, May 1, 2021, from 09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m., MUPY’s Division of Student Affairs organized the 2nd round of the activity-based project entitled ’Student Development by Transformative Learning Approach’ for MUPY’s freshmen via Zoom Meeting. The activity’s topic was P‘MUPY Guide How to Survive. There were 61 of MUPY’s freshmen who attended the project and joined the group activities which were mainly conducted by MUPY’s alumni led by Mr. Naphat Sattayut (Rx41) and Mr. Thammaset Boonpracha (Rx 42). This project aimed to increase students’ understanding in terms of transformative learning as well as to raise their awareness of self-learning and reflection in order to improve their critical thinking and make better decision-making.

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