Academic Staff

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nattawut Charoenthai

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nattawut Charoenthai
Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.



  1. Modification of Mechanical Properties of Ethylcellulose Film with Cassava Starch Nanocrystals
    Wickramanayaka A, Charoenthai N, Kasemwong K, Puttipipatkhachorn S. The National and International Graduate Research Conference 2016, 15 January 2016 at Pote Sarasin Building, Khon Kaen University 2016;


  1. Production of pellets without microcrystalline cellulose by extrusion/spheronization : Use of chitosan and sodium alginate
    Charoenthai N, Puttipipatkhachorn S, Kleinebudde P. 8th International Symposium on Agglomeration. Bangkok, Thailand 2005,March 16-18


  1. Chitosan-alginate as alternative pelletisation aid in wet extrusion/spheronisation
    Charoenthai N, Puttipipatkhachorn S, Kleinebudde P 20th Congress of Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Bangkok Thailand


  1. Chitosan pellets produced by twin screw extrusion-spheronization.
    Charoenthai N, Puttipipatkhachorn S, Kleinebudde P. RGJ Seminar Series XXIV: Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Bangkok 2003, October 15-16

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