
1993 International Publication

Comparative bioavailability study of acetaminophen solutions used in hospital formulary.
Prakongpan S, Puncoke R, Nagai T. Biol Pharm Bull 1993;16;613-5
By: Department of Pharmacy.
Comparative evaluation of hydroxy propyl cellulose and povidone in paracetamol tablet formulations.
Sinchaipanid N, Mitrevej A. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1993;20:33-9
By: Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy.
Construction physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to describe the hepatobiliary excretion process of ligands:quantitative estimation of cellular diffusion.
Sathirakul K, Suzuki H, Yasuda K, Hanano M, Sugiyama Y. Biol Pharm Bull 1993;16:273-9
By: Department of Pharmacy.
Design and synthesis of bicyclic non-peptide ß-bend mimetic of enkephalin.
Currie BL, Krestenasky JL, Lin Z, Ungwitayatorn J, Lee Y-H, del Roxario-Chow M, Sheu W, Johnson ME. Tetrahedron 1993;49:3489-500
By: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Division of .
Fluoride vanich: the particle size of sodium fluoride and the antrice which held its stability.
Sangalungkarn V, Prakongpan S, Mitrevej A. Mahidol Dent J 1993;13;177-84
By: Department of Pharmacy, Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy.
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of amoxycillin in urine using solid-pharse, ion-pair extraction and ultraviolet detection.
Chulavatnatol S, Charles B. J Chromatogr 1993;615:91-6
By: Department of Pharmacy.
Kinetic analysis of hepatobiliary transport of organic anions in Eisai Hyperbilirubinemia rats.
Sathirakul K, Suzuki H, Yasuda K, Hanano M, Tagaya O, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 265:1301-1312.
By: Department of Pharmacy.
Reproductive effects of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone in rats: effects on estrus cycle and implantation.
Sookvanichsilp N, Panintrarux W, Suksathan S, Rattanijarasroj S. Thai J Pharmacol 1993-4;14-15:45-8
By: Department of Pharmacology.
Retroviral reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity in Thai herbs and spices screening with moloney murine leulcemia viral enzyme.
Suthienkul O, Miyazaki O, Chulasiri M, Kositanont U, Oishi K. South-East Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1993;24:751-5
By: Department of Microbiology.
Simple analysis of amoxycillin in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with internal standardization and ultraviolet detection.
Charless BG, Chulavatnatol S. Biomed Chromatogr 1993;7:204-7
By: Department of Pharmacy.
Stability of tetracycline antibiotics in animal feeds.
Saraya S, Subphanka S, Boonpooh Y Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1993;20:8-13
By: Department of Microbiology.
Synthesis and skin permeation study of lidocaine organic salts.
Vajragupta O, La-ong S. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1993;20:2671-84
By: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The determination of diffusion coefficients in semisolids by Fourier transform (FT-IR) spectroscopy.
Wurster DE, Buraphacheep V, Patel JM. Pharm Res 1993;10:616-9
By: Department of Pharmacy.
The vasodilating effect of royal jelly in rabbit arteries.
Peungvicha P Thai J Pharmacol 1992-1993;14-15:19-26
By: Department of Physiology.
การใช้ยาฉีดเซฟาโรสปอรินในโรงพยาบาลขนาดต่างๆในปี 2534-2535.
เพชรรัตน์ พงษ์เจริญสุข. วารสารเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล 1993;20:11-7
By: .
การใช้สมุนไพรของผู้ป่วยเบาหวาน ที่มารับบริการที่โรงพยาบาลชุมชนในจังหวัดนครปฐม.
อาทร ริ้วไพบูลย์, วัชรา ริ้วไพบูลย์, วงศ์สถิตย์ ฉั่วกุล, คนอื่นๆ. วารสารกรมการแพทย์ 2536; 18: 232-8
By: Department of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Division of .

1993 National Publication

Effect of multivitamin supplementation for improvement of thiamin, riboflavin and retinol nutrition in pediatric patients.
Angkatavanich J, Suthutvoravut U, Panijpan B, Tontisirin K. J Med Assoc Thailand 1993;76(suppl 2):138-45
By: Department of Food Chemistry.
Formulation of sustained release mosquito larvicidal preparation from Bacillus sphaericus.
Saowakonth R, Rungvejhavuttivittaya Y, Sarisuta N, Siripraiwan S, Suyanandana P. Thai J Pharm Sci 1993; 17(2): 73-77.
By: Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy.
High performance liquid chromatographic determination of tetracycline antibiotics in animal feeds.
Saraya S, Kraisintu K, Boonpooh Y. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1993;20(2):25-36
By: Department of Microbiology.
The Study on Using Medicinal Plants for Self-Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attended at Community Hospitals in Nakhonpathom Province.
Riewpaiboon A, Chuakul W, Riewpaiboon A, et al. Bull Dept Med Serv 1993; 18: 232-8
By: Department of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany.
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