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Sadeep Medhasi, MUPY grad student from Nepal, won the title Mr. Mahidol University International.

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Since 30 June 2010  
On 30 June 2010, Mahidol International Day 2010 was held at the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital. This annual event is held to recognize the sense of internationalization of Mahidol University. This is also a platform for international students from all campuses to network and share their experience as Mahidol students. In this event, there is also a friendly and fun competition for international students to receive the title Mr. and Ms. Mahidol University International. For this year, Mr. Sadeep Medhasi, a first year student of the Master of Science in Pharmacology program of MUPY, won the title Mr. Mahidol University International. Congratulations to Sadeep!!

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