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MUPY teamed up with Siriraj Hospital to get read for PharmD curriculum

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Since 07 October 2009  
Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang along with administrative members and Heads of Departments of MUPY went to Siriraj Hospital to sign the MOU which will help secure strong coalition toward excellence in pharmacy education. This is a part of MUPY\'s initiative to form a strong coalition to support the development of the Doctor of Pharmacy program especially on the clerkship rotation. Siriraj hospital is a renowned public hospital under Mahidol University\'s administration. This institution has strong clinical pharmacy activities and numerous competent clinical pharmacists. This MOU help secure the opportunities for MUPY pharmacy students to do clinical rotations and clinical pharmacy research at the hospital. In return, MUPY\'s faculty members will provide assistance, training and consultation to pharmacy preceptors to help advance skills and knowledge of pharmacists of the hospital.

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