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MUPY partners with United States Pharmacopoeia on GMP training for Inspectors from Laos and Cambodia

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Since 17 August 2009  
Clin. Prof. Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, the President of Mahidol University and Dean Chuthamanee Suthisisang presides in the opening ceremony for the “Center of Excellence Training on Good Manufacturing Practices”. This is an important and historic event that is the result of partnership between MUPY and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) to promote the improvement of drug quality. Drug product quality is a major public health issue in various parts of the world including Southeast Asia. In order to tackle some of the challenges in building institutional expertise on drug quality in Southeast Asia, The United States Pharmacopoeia Drug Quality Information (USPDQI), with the support of USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia, has established the Asian Network of Excellence in Quality Assurance of Medicines (ANEQAM) to serve as a regional resource for drug quality assurance. MUPY was selected to be a part of this Center of Excellence for our expertise in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). One of the main activities jointly agreed upon between USP and MUPY is to provide high quality training on GMP compliance for health personnel from the Lao People\'s Democratic Republic and Kingdom of Cambodia. This training module will be an important initial step toward building expertise on drug quality in these countries. The training period is from 17-21 August 2009. The project is generously supported by USPDQI and USAID. Participants of this event include the following individuals. Distinguished Guests 1. H.E. Khamsouay Keodalavong Minister Counsellor, Embassy of the Lao People\'s Democratic Republic 2. Official Delegate Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia 3. Mr. Chris Raymond, MPH Project Coordinator for South-east Asia, USP-DQI 4. Dr. Aye Aye Thwin Director, Office of Public Health, USAID 5. Dr. Charles Delacollette Coordinator, World Health Organization (WHO) Speakers Assoc. Prof. Pisamai Kulkanjanatorn Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Somboon Jateleela Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Assoc. Prof. Satit Puttipipatkhachorn Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Assoc. Prof. Pojawon Lawanprasert Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Assist. Prof. Monechoulie Nitibhon Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Assist. Prof. Nongluck Ruangwises Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Assoc. Prof. Leena Suntornsuk Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dr. Montree Jaturunpinyo Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Dr. Piyanuch Rojsanga Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Delegates from The Lao People\'s Democratic Republic 1. Mr. Sivong Sengaloundeth Head of Administration Division, Food and Drug Department 2. Mr. Thongvang Ratsavong Deputy Director of Food and Drug Quality Control Center 3. Mr. Sourisak Sounvoravong Head of Quality Assurance Division, GMP Inspector of Food and Drug Department 4. Mr. Souksomkhouane Chanthamat Head of Drug Business Control, Drug Control Division, Food and Drug Department 5. Mr. Khamphong Phommavong Head of Thyto Chemistry Division, Traditional Research Center Delegates from The Kingdom of Cambodia 1. Dr. Prem Naron 2. Dr. Nham Bak Sim Production Manager 3. Dr. Ngan Beng Vice Director of Cambodia Pharmaceutical Enterprise 4. Mr. Klaing Sameth Deputy Office Regulation Bureau 5. Mr. Eav Dararoth

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