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MUPY Students participated in pioneering Student Exchange Program at the School of Pharmacy, Showa University, Japan

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Since 3 June 2024  

During June 3-28, 2024, two undergraduate students from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Mahidol University (MUPY) took part in a groundbreaking student exchange program at the School of Pharmacy, Showa University in Tokyo, Japan. The pioneering participants, Ms. Panfa Sirichan and Mr. Thachapol Weerawath, represented the first group of MUPY students to engage in this exchange program.

which was supported by Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Itabe who had facilitated this collaborative exchange between MUPY and Showa University's School of Pharmacy in providing this unique opportunity for MUPY students. Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Itabe's support and dedication were instrumental in making this exchange program a reality.

Additionally, this program was made possible through the support of Mahidol University’s Division of International Relations, which awarded the Undergraduate Student Mobility Scholarship to these students. The scholarship facilitated their participation in the exchange, marking a significant step in MUPY's efforts to provide global learning opportunities to its students. It also set a precedent for future collaborations and student exchanges.

The Student Mobility Program was designed to enrich the participants with global knowledge, professional practices, and international exposure to Japan’s pharmacy education, healthcare, and pharmacy systems. This experience aimed to broaden their professional horizons and enhance their understanding of international pharmacy practices. Additionally, the students immersed themselves in Japanese culture, which contributed to their personal growth and increased cultural competence. Through this exchange, MUPY not only increased the capacity of its students but also enhanced its international visibility. This collaboration with Showa University's School of Pharmacy underscores MUPY's commitment to fostering international educational partnerships and preparing its students for a globalized professional environment.

Besides, this student exchange program strengthened a strong relationship between MUPY and Showa University. It also corresponded to the Faculty of Pharmacy's Mission of producing graduates with equivalent quality to leading pharmacy institutions in Asia, equipped with morality and competency to serve the societal need. It also responded to SDG’s Goal 4: Quality Education to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries, and Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

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