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MUHTA students won poster presentation awards

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Since 7 September 2023  

Congratulations to our postgraduate students in the Health Technology Assessment Graduate Program (MU-HTA) and alumni who received their poster presentation awards at the 11th HTAsiaLink Conference 2023. The awarding ceremony was held on September 7, 2023, at Mercure Living Putrajaya Hotel in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The awardees were as follows.

1) Ms. Tabitha Okech, a Master's Degree student in the MU-HTA Graduate Program, received the 1st Prize Poster Presentation Award in the area of Economic Evaluation from her research study entitled "Cost-utility Analysis of Introducing Malaria Vaccine in Kenya" under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usa Chaikledkeaw.

2) Ms. Patumporn Suraarunsumri, M.D., a doctoral degree student in the MU-HTA Graduate Program, received the 2nd Prize Poster Presentation Award in the area of Health Service Research from her research study entitled "The Impact of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Surgical Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Varalak Srinonprasert, M. D., at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital.

3) Mr. Yogesh Gurav, an alumnus of the MU-HTA Graduate Program, received the Honorary Mention Poster Presentation Award in the area of Economic Evaluation from his research study entitled "The Cost-effectiveness of Rubella Vaccination among Women in Maharashtra, India".

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