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Experience Sharing on Internship Management with UST Faculty Members

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Since 05 November 2020  
On Thursday, November 5, 2020, from 07:00 am to 08:00 am (Bangkok local time), Lect. Jennis Meanwatthana, a faculty member in the Department of Pharmacy, received an invitation as a guest speaker in the webinar, namely ‘Best Practices of Industry in Clinical e-Internship’, officially organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas (UST), Philippines. She gave a lecture on the topic of ‘Challenges in Clinical Internship amid COVID-19 Crisis: Share and Learn.’ Having been broadcasted via the Zoom platform, the webinar was arranged as one of the UST’s faculty development program. Furthermore, the webinar aimed to provide a knowledge and experience sharing session for UST’s faculty regarding a professional practice administration during the COVID-19 for both clinical pharmacy and industrial pharmacy students. ALso joined the virtual event included guest speakers from partner universities such as the National University of Malaysia.

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