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Interview SEAP Graduate Program’s Lecturer on the Role of Advisor

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Since 02 July 2020  
On July 2, 2020, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arthorn Riewpaiboon gave an interview about his former graduate student’s dissertation as he was a dissertation advisor. The dissertation title was ’Epidemiological and economic analysis of antimicrobial resistance in Thailand’ written by Dr. Tuangrat Phodha, a successful graduate student in Social, Economic, and Administrative Pharmacy Program. The dissertation aimed to assess the health and economic impacts of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Thailand under a societal perspective. In addition, Dr. Tuangrat Phodha has recently passed the first round of the Distinguished Thesis Awards, Fiscal Year 2020, and will be conducting an oral presentation in the next round scheduled on July 14, 2020, via the Zoom Meeting.

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