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The 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia Conference 2019 was organized by three top Asian universities

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Since 22 August 2019  
On August 22, 2019, Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy officially organized “The 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia Conference 2019” in collaboration with Chiba University and China Medical University at Bangkok Midtown Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The conference’s theme was “Pharmaceutical Sciences toward Health Innovation in the Disruptive Era”. The conference’s opening session was addressed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Acting Vice President for Policy and Planning of Mahidol University. The conference was well attended with delegates from many Asian countries including Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand. The conference’s scientific program included thirteen topics delivered by international invited speakers from Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiba University’s Graduate School and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and China Medical University’s College of Pharmacy. Besides, the poster presentation session along with the steering committee meeting were embedded in the program. The conference mainly aimed to provide the participants an opportunity to share knowledge and experiences in the broad areas of pharmaceutical sciences as well as to create a platform where the scholars, researchers, and students from Asian pharmacy schools could share expertise in the recent advances in all disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences in order to move toward the advancement of pharmacy education and research in the 21st Century altogether.

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