Department of Biochemistry

Publication in year 2007

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International Publication

Characterization and diagnostic use of a recombinant single-chain antibody specific for the gp116 envelop glycoprotein of yellow head virus.
Intorasoot S, Tanaka H, Shoyama Y, Leelamanit W*. Journal of Virological Methods. 2007; 143(2) Aug: 186-193.
IF=1.9330000000000001 /h-index=55 Cited=4
Cochinin B, a novel ribosome-inactivating protein from the seeds of Momordica cochinchinensis.
Chuethong J, Oda K, Sakurai H, Saiki I, Leelamanit W*. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2007; 30(3) Mar: 438-432.
IF=1.6140000000000001 /h-index=54 Cited=3
Leelamanit W, Chuethong J, Luangroongsao T, Luangmonkong T. Isan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences(IJPS). 2007; 3(2) Jul-Dec: 35-43.

National Publication

 No publication

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