Department of Biochemistry

Publication in year 2002

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International Publication

A Study of Consumer Behavior in Bangkok Metropolitan on Herbal Shampoo.
Nonthanathorn P, Leelamanit W Mahidol J Pharm Sci 2002; 29(3-4)
Biochemical Properties of Proteins Isolated from Mirabilis jalapa.
Leelamanit W, lertkunakorn P, Prapaitrkul S, Watthanachaiyingcharoen R, Luanrat O, Ruangwises N, Suppakpatana P. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 2002; 29: 17-22
Chitosan as matrix for nasal delivery of peptide drug insulin.
Wah Wah Th, Sathirakul K, Nosoongnoen W, Chandrkrachang S, Ng CH and Stevens WF In: Suchiva K, Chandrkrachang S, Mathacanon P and Peter MG (editors). Advances in Chitin Science Volume V. Bangkok, Thailand: MTEC 2002: 674-677. (ISBN 974-229-412-7). 2002
Chronic renal insufficiency does not affect the pharmacokinetics of LY333531 or that of its active metabolite, compound LY338522.
Sathirakul K, Voelker, JR, Teng LL, Yeo KP, Chan C and Wise SD Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002; 71(2):P10
Clinical Evaluation of Dose Response to Antihepatitis B Therapy using Viral Dynamic Modeling.
Lowe S, McGill JM, Sathirakul K, Sinha VP, Soon D, Teng CH, and Wise SD Gastroenterology 2002; 123(1) Suppl. S: 69-71
Clinical Evaluation of Dose Response to Antihepatitis B Therapy using Viral Dynamic Modeling.
Lowe S, McGill JM, Sathirakul K, Sinha VP, Soon D, Teng CH, and Wise SD Digestive Disease Week May 19-22, 2002; San Francisco, Califonia USA. 2002
Impact of gastric pH and the presence of activated charcoal on the absorption of duloxetine.
Sathirakul K, Teng LL, Yeo KP, PhD, Chan C, and Wise SD Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002; 71(2):P18

National Publication

Dietary fiber-supplemented dry beverage mixes from papaya.
Ittimongkol B, Srisukh V, Tungrugsasut W, Sukhow B, Chinganjanarod P, Jaicharoen P. Thai J Phytopharm 2002; 9(1): 1-12

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