Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy

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International Publication

Effect of heat on characteristics of chitosan film coated on theophylline tablets.
Nunthanid J*, Wanchana S, Sriamornsak P, Limmatavapirat S, Luangtana-anan M, Puttipipatkhachorn S. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2002; 28(8) : 919-930
IF=0.56999999999999995 /h-index=42 Cited=4
Effect of surfactants on release kinetics and mechanism of release of acyclovir from ethylcellulose film.
Sarisuta N, Puangket S, Puttipipatkhachorn S. Proceedings of the 19th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAPA Congress). Seoul, Korea: October 2002: 222. October 2002: 222.
Permeability of Silicone Membrane to Model Solutes.
Lawanprasert P, Lukkanatinaporn P, Sarisuta N. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 2002; 29: 45-48
Physical and drug permeability characteristics of chitosan-anionic polymer complex films.
Puttipipatkhachorn S, Ratananontachai S, Sarisuta N. Proceedings of the 19th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAPA Congress). Seoul, Korea: October 2002: 218 October 2002: 218
Physicochemical properties of tetracaine liposomes prepared by chloroform film method.
Rojanapanthu P, Sarisuta N, Srigrisanapol A. Proceedings of the 19th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAPA Congress). Seoul, Korea: October 2002: 224. October 2002: 224.
Physicochemical properties of tetracaine liposomes prepared by chloroform film method.
Rojanapanthu P, Sarisuta N, Srigrisanapol A. Proceedings of the 19th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FAPA Congress). Seoul, Korea: October 2002: 224. October 2002: 224.
Shed king cobra and cobra skins as model membranes for in-vitro nicotine permeation studies.
Pongjanyakul T*, Prakongpan S, Panomsuk S, Puttipipatkhachorn S, Priprem A. J Pharm Pharmacol 2002 ;54(10): 1345-1350
IF=1.288 /h-index=56 Cited=7
Shed king cobra and cobra skins as model membranes for in-vitro nicotine permeation studies.
Pongjanyakul T, Prakongpan S, Panomsuk S, Puttipipatkhachorn S, Priprem A. J Pharm Pharmacol 2002; 54: 1345-1350
The influence of drug-polymer interactions on butt adhesive strength of film-coated tablets.
Sarisuta N, Srikummoon K, Puttipipatkhachorn S. Proceedings of the 4th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics , Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, 8-11 April 2002, Florence, Italy. 2002
พจวรรณ ลาวัณย์ประเสริฐ ทัดทรง ทั่วทิพย์ วันทนา หลิ่วจุลัศจรรย์ สุชาวดี แก้วงามอรุณ สุทธวรรณ จันทร์เจียวใช้. วารสารเภสัชกรรมโรงพยาบาล 2544; 11: 229-239

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