Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy

Publication in year 1995

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International Publication

A preliminary study of sago starch as a tablet binder.
Sinchaipanid N,Ketjinda W, Pongwai S,Mitrevej A Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1995; 22(3): 101-6
Evaluation of Lubritab as a tablet lubricant.
Mitrevej A, Sinchaipanid N, Rungvejhavuttivittaya Y. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1995; 22(4): 92-100
Preparation and evaluation of various starches on tablet disintergrant and dissolution.
Sinchaipanid N, Rungvejhavuttivittaya Y, Mitrevej A. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1995; 22 (2): 68-75
Spray dried rice starch for direct compression.
Mitrevej A, Sinchaipanid N, Palanuphap S. Thai J Pharm Sci 1995; 19 (3) 163-69

National Publication

 No publication

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