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MUPY gave a bulletin on global issue of radioactive leakage

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Since 18 March 2011  
According to the miserable disaster from Japan indicated the emergency situation on radioactive leakage to nearby area, Iodine-131 is one of the significant isotopes to deliberately be alerted because of its toxicity, Thyroid cancer, for example. Several global organizations recognised its importance which alarmed the people all around the world. One of major issues is to prevent exposure with those isotope. However, several strategies were confusingly presented to Thai people including the use of Povidone Iodine for radioactive prevention. Therefore, MUPY in association with Faculty of Medical Technology (MUMT), made the social responsibility by correcting the information through mass media at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. Assoc. Prof. Chuthamanee Suthisisang, Dean of MUPY, illustrated that people who have the high risk of Iodine -131 exposure need to protect themselves by consuming potassium iodide in order to saturate the thyroid gland with high concentration of Iodine. Hence, our thyroid gland could not uptake other forms of iodine and then, if exposes to Iodine-131, will be gradually excreted from our body. The recommended dose of potassium iodide is 130 milligrams per day administered at least 3-4 hours before the exposure until departing from radioactive area. Nonetheless, long term receiving potassium iodide can harmfully cause many side effects such as arrythmia, abnormal function of thyroid gland. Not surprisingly, this medication should be carefully prescribed and monitored by physician. However, confusing ways to prevent radioactive toxicity are widely spread to our community. The issue of using Povidone Iodine, or known as Betadine, are increasingly misunderstood. Actually, Betadine is generally used as topical antiseptic. It is composed potassium iodide, however, the unpredictable absorption through skin to the circulation system cannot be neglected so that its efficacy is uncertain.

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