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SDGs MaPs Program at NUS

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Since 1 August 2023  

During August 1-5, 2023, four undergraduate students from Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy took part in the SDGs+ Mahidol University Projects (SDGs MaPs) Program arranged in Singapore. The SDGs MaPs Program was hosted by Mahidol University’s International Relations Division (MUIR). There were also 36 undergraduate students of Mahidol University who joined this overseas trip.

In the program, the students had an opportunity to visit the National University of Singapore as part of the SDGs MaPs Program. During the visit, they engaged in a learning and sharing day, which included three insightful sessions. The first session focused on the NUS Campus Sustainability Roadmap 2030, presented by Aefy RAIB from the Sustainability Strategy Unit, University Campus Infrastructure. Followed by a lecture by Assoc. Prof. Johannes WIDODO, College of Design and Engineering, on the School of Design and Environment’s special projects, who gave them a long walking tour of the net zero building to see how it was designed and how it becomes friendly with nature and humanity. In the third sharing session, Dr. Eunice NG, Resident Fellow at Ridge View Residential College (RVRC), presented RVRC's sustainability efforts and highlighted the Residential College experience. Additionally, the RVRC students provided a delightful tour, showcasing various inspiring programs and activities.

The program aimed to enhance the students' learning opportunities and active engagement in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also foster their positive attitude towards ASEAN countries and neighboring nations. The visit was also aimed to introduce the numerous exciting initiatives available for college residents and empower them to actively engage with SDGs through programs and activities. Participating students were provided with the chance to improve their English language skills and gain cross-cultural experiences, which are essential for their future education and career pursuits.

Thank you MUIR for the information and photos

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