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Congratulations to MUPY student who won One Health AMR Article Competition 2022-2023 from International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF)

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Since 5 August 2023  

On August 5, 2023, MUPY's 3rd-year undergraduate pharmacy student, namely Ms. Issariya Srisawedsupparak, joined the “One Health AMR Article Competition 2022-2023” organized by International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF). Her article entitled “Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: Safeguarding the Efficacy of Antibiotics” received the 1st-prize from the IPSF Executive Committee. Her article would also be internationally published in the IPSF pharmacy journal as well.

Additionally, IPSF is an international advocacy organization which represents more than 500,000 pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students and recent graduates from over 100 countries worldwide.

Moreover, her article focused on raising a global awareness and offering a solution on antimicrobial resistance to pharmacy students worldwide. Her commitment extended to actively addressing challenges during her academic path and in the future pharmacy profession.

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